Oncology Massage

The initial consultation and introductory treatment will introduce Oncology Massage to someone who has or is being affected by cancer or another serious illness. The consultation may include discussion about the illness, or what Oncology Massage is and how it can support someone whose health is in a compromised state. This will also be an opportunity to provide clients with an experience of Oncology Massage for a reduced period of time. Support people are welcome.

Oncology Massage is a specialised form of light touch massage designed specifically for people with cancer, a history of cancer or in a fragile state of health. Oncology Massage is delivered by specifically trained therapists who understand the science, and identify the unique and changing needs of every client.

Book Oncology massage (Initial session)

Book Oncology massage


massage therapy relaxation

Massage Therapy

Enhance your health and well-being with Massage therapy. Massage helps relieve pain, reduce stress, unwind, and relax which may help with digestion and improving sleep.

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Oncology Massage

The initial consultation and introductory treatment will introduce Oncology Massage to someone who has or is being affected by…

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Scar Tissue Release

McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release is a pain free method of gentle, finger tip pressure that is applied to the area to help free the restrictions of the scar…

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Delivering a cyclic compression, to different areas of the body. Each chamber inflates sequentially…

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